
Friday, 17 November 2017

Wheel Chair Basket Ball

Explain the physical activity you participated in.
I was participating in a sport similar to basket ball and basket ball is a team sport. Two teams of five players each try to score by shooting a ball through a hoop elevated 10 feet above the ground. The game is played on a rectangular floor called the court, and there is a hoop at each end. The court is divided into two main sections by the mid-court line. Just like this but with wheel chairs.

What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria).
I grade me a achieve because I tried as best as possible. I was contributing to the team and supporting them in some plays they made.

What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).

Previous Experiences +
Fun/Enjoyment +
Well being +

Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)

My Previous Experiences had a positive impact in my participation because all I could do is start from the bottom and just go higher in my skill level. When you have never play an activity before something when you play it for the first time it's great because all you do is learn and improve on your skills and skill level, for example I didn't know how to do anything but by the end of the lesson I got the ball in the basket four times while playing wheel chair basket ball.This made me play more.

Fun And Enjoyment had a positive impact on my participation because when you are enjoying yourself you just want to keep playing cause how much fun you are having. In this lesson I got the ball in the basket three times, it was fun I was really enjoying myself and I just wanted to carry on and see if I could do it again and I did near the need of the game I got the ball in the basket for the fourth time in the lesson of wheel chair basket ball.This made me play more.

Well Being had a positive impact on my participation in this activity because I was just feeling good and was in a great head space and open to anything really. While I was just feeling really good it just made me want to learn as much as I could in this lesson of wheel chair basket ball. When I was playing I was enjoying myself and having a lot of fun and learn as much as possible, I demonstrated this in the lesson by getting the ball in the basket three time and I really enjoyed myself I wanted to see if I could do I again and I did near the end of the lesson.This made me play more.

How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
I could bring skills that I learned in this lesson and modified it and improve it for me and maybe this is how I increase my participation for the future.

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